The Real Estate Investors Blueprint for Goals That Supercharge Action
Discover your purpose and desire that will light your fire!
The Details...
When + Where
Join me for a daily live mini training where we breakdown the goal setting process, learn effective tools and techniques, and uncover how to set yourself up for success. Plus, you’ll get your own workbook that you can work through over the course of the challenge to guide you with your goals.
These virtual sessions take place in my private group (details + access provided upon sign up).
Nov 21, 2022 – Nov 25, 2022
12PM ET – Live 30min daily training
8PM ET – Live Q+A
What + How
Day 1: Reflection
- Establish benchmarks related to what you want and feel
- Begin to uncover your ability to set the right goals
Day 2: Purpose + Desire
- Identify your purpose + desire
- Know how to tell if it’s the right one
- Understand the relationship between purpose + goal success
Day 3: Vision
- Cultivate a clear vision of who you will be in 5 years
- Understand how your vision will drive your actions to success
Day 4: Goals
- Define your ‘right’ goal
- Understand the ‘how’ behind choosing the right goal
- Understand how to check if your goal is actually the right one
Day 5: Attitude
- Understand how you’re blocking your own success
- Analyze any shifts that have occurred over the past 5 days
- Know exactly how to accelerate your success

Hey, I know how it feels…
After knowing for years in my gut that I wanted to be an entrepreneur in the real estate investing world, it wasn’t until I aligned my goals with my purpose and desires that everything started to fail into place.
I went from feeling like a constant failure, forcing my agenda, and frequent burn out to feeling completely energized and driven to accomplish what I had set out to do. It was like I had tapped into this stream of motivation that I never knew existed in me.
That’s when it hit me. Setting and accepting the right goals matters. It matters big time. In fact, it can be life altering!
The right goals can create a shift from struggle to major momentum.
If you’re willing to invest 30 minutes a day for 5 days to learn how to overcome common goal setting mistakes, then I promise you’ll come out on the other side with an exact strategy that will have you landing on goals that drive action and truly resonate down to your core.
My goal for you? After this challenge I don’t want you ever feeling demotivated by your goals. Not only will you learn the tools and strategies I use to guide my own success but you’ll have a step-by-step blueprint to follow if you ever feel like you’ve lost your way.
See you in the challenge!